Technorama TR22_Road: last stop Melbourne 8 October!

[ycd_countdown id=4422] Technorama hits the highway! After two years of pandemic absence, the Technorama Conference is back in force and with an exciting twist. This year, we’re bringing TR22 to you! Catch us for our one-day technology extravaganza TR22_Road which...

Training: Technorama’s first TX Blitz day

Well, the magic certainly happened on Friday 12 Jan 2018.   The plan was to bring together a team of people to clean, check and commission as many bits of donated equipment as we could.  In particular, we were focused on a stack of not-very-healthy FM exciters –...

TR Education event 12 Jan: TX Blitz day

This is the first Technorama Training event for 2018, and it’s ideal for budding station techs.  Come and learn how to maintain and align an FM transmitter, and how to set up your station’s audio path end-to-end.  This event is limited to the first seven...