The Represent! Bursary could get you to TR23 for free

Last call:  applications close 12:00 AEDT Thursday 23 November We have found some additional funding, so we’re re-opening applications for Represent! Bursary.  If you qualify, and if you’re quick, there’s a strong chance that your application will be...

CBAA Awards Technologist categories – nominate NOW!

As a group, technologists are really good at doing so many things. But equally, as a group, we are very bad at one thing in particular: claiming credit and being recognised. That’s such a pity because because it’s important for our colleagues to know what...

Vale Richard Fleming

We pay tribute to Richard Wayne Fleming, one of the great broadcast technologists that this country has seen. On Friday 21 July 2023, Richard lost his battle with prostate cancer. Richard was Technorama’s Guest of Honour at TR19 during which he shared stories of...