One of the toughest questions you should ask when dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic is: “how do I know this information is right”. Over the last two weeks, we’ve seen convergence of information, and development of authoritative sources. And we’ve policed our own discussions to try to ensure the best possible info.
We’re here to help
The Technorama Facebook Q&A group has been described as “the most useful source of advice for getting ready to deal with working to prevent the spread of the Corona virus.” We try.
Q&A is a “closed group”, which is a standard Facebook mechanism intended to improve signal-to-noise ratio. We ask a few questions of applicants to confirm that they have an affinity with Community Broadcasting (as described in the policy page). Anyone who answers the questions is admitted very quickly, and we are monitoring the group to ensure that.
Medical information?
Your first point of contact for medical questions related to COVID-19 could be:
- Australian Department of Health which has both immediate information from the Government, and general resources for you to use
- The World Health Organisation provides a global perspective, but also has some useful and very specific advice like this myth-busters page.
- Community Broadcasting Association of Australia (CBAA) and check for their webinars and advice pages.
All of these organisations represent best effort to provide good information. Even where mistakes or inconsistencies occur, they are all heavily internally reviewed and subject to feedback.
Technorama cannot provide medical advice (and we don’t) but we can point you at information sources which appear, to us, to have a good basis in science. It’s also in our remit to give you access to the best tools that we can find.
Other useful links
In the spirit of that, here are some additional links that we believe are truly useful:
This lovingly crafted video shows how a well-researched creative team can work miracles. In 8 minutes it explains the science behind the pandemic, how the SARS-NCOV-2 virus works, and why all the stuff we’re being told is important. After watching the video, you should be able to explain why isolation and handwashing is so effective and necessary.
Melting Asphalt created a simulation tool to help you visualise how a pandemic occurs and propagates. What’s fascinating is that it provides knobs that you can adjust to change the way the outbreak moves. There’s even a challenge to see if you can quickly find a balance where the disease stops. The model steps you through many stages, and you can reset, start again, and step through as often as you like.