The best way to stay in touch with Technorama, especially regarding TR Events (like TR23, our roadshows and webinars), is to sign up on the home page.  That’s really easy: just fill in the details on the right, and you’re on the list.

But if you missed one of our incredibly informative emails, here’s the list of past and current mailouts.  The teaser line isn’t everything, so click through and have a check!

22 Nov 2023:  TR23 update: 10 reasons to attend

17 Nov 2023:  Friday flash: AGM, TR23 program online, extra bursary places

13 Nov 2023:  Webinar, TR23 update

6 Nov 2023:  TR23 program update, Stump The Chumps, Bursary

3 Nov 2023:  Bursary offer, see us at CBAA (note: mis-dated 3 Dec!)

30 Oct 2023:  TR23 update and general reminders

23 Oct 2023:  Bursary kickoff, AGM announce, TR Tuesdays

16 Oct 2023:  TR23 Earlybird, how to get to TR23 and where to stay

9 Oct 2023:  TR Tuesday Pi, TR23 soft launch (mis-dated 29 Sep)

29 Sep 2023:  TR Tuesdays Pi, Resubscribe and save, Techsperts needed for paid gig

6 Oct 2022:  TR22: Melbourne: two days to go

26 Sep 2022:  Brisbane:  it’s this Saturday

15 Sep 2022:  Two days to go: register now for TR22_Road SYD this Saturday.

12 Sep 2022:  Register NOW:  TR22_Road Sydney kicks off this Saturday.

31 Aug 2022: TR22: SAVE! Get Sydney Earlybird before Friday night.

21 Aug 2022:  Exciting news: TR22 Roadshow SYD/BNE/MEL open for registration