At the December Committee meeting, the Technorama Board appointed Hannah Murray to a casual vacancy on the Board. Many of you will know Hannah from her current role at the CMTO, and her previous role at the CBAA. As well as being steeped in technology, she comes with a wealth of experience in radio, music and event management, and is a passionate devotee of Klezmer. You can read about Hannah in her bio entry on the Board page.
For Technorama, Hannah will take on management of the highly successful Technorama Tuesdays webinar program for 2020, and is busy already mapping out next year’s series of events.
Hannah also joins the TR20 Local Arrangements Committee, working with Josh Pearson and the team to select the venue and then deliver the TR20 event.
We also bid a temporary adieu to Julie Spencer who is taking a sabbatical. Julie will return to active service with Technorama next year.