Registration for TR18 is unbelievably simple, which is why there’s hardly anything on this page.
The entire process is managed by Eventbrite; just answer the questions, select your payment option (credit card or invoice), fill in the credit card details, and press the button. Note that Invoicing is more complex for us, and only available if you have an ABN. We much prefer the plastic option.
Registration is cheaper for Technorama members: your membership is covered by the saving over the non-Member Registration rate.
We have a one-stop process. To read all about the event, where it is, what to do, see all the options and to get started on becoming a member of Technorama and/or register for TR18, click the blue thing below and follow the dots.
Do you provide other accreditation?
Yes, but not from the registration form. To discuss media or special access, please contact us directly.