Hi! TR18 prep continues, and we’re working to get our PR much better, quicker, and more frequent than in the past.Things that might have changed on the website since you last looked:
- Nominations are open for The 2018 Technorama Awards. Hint. It’s not a big field, so it’s worth entering. Chances of getting an award are much better than winning anything on Lotto, and the TR plaque will look really good on the station’s wall. Give a mate a hug by nominating someone deserving of recognition by your community.
- The Represent! Bursary program has kicked off. Our plan is to bring up to ten young people and women to TR18 from around the country, and enable them to learn and engage with the tech community. This opportunity is just huge, and it’s never been done. If you know someone who might benefit (or this is you), tap them on the shoulder to nominate. Represent! nominations close at 2359 on Sunday 25 March, so don’t hold back. Check the very specific page for info..
- Earlybird registration for TR18 is open and running until 8 April. Again, don’t leave your run to the last moment. Don’t forget to book friend/partner/business associate for the Dinner!
- We’re finalising programming for TR18. If there’s a topic you think MUST be carried, or if you’re on-fire and need to present at TR18, last chance coming. Send a note to trprogramming@technorama.org.au and someone will be in touch.
- Check the accommodation page to book a room at the Vibe, or other conference-rate hotels (we’re adding locations as they capitulate and give us a decent discount). The Vibe rate of $140 post-paid including breakfast is very good for the area, and it’s only three minutes walk from TR18 and two tramstops.
Everything else you need to know about TR18 is on the website, which we’ve restructured so that information flows really quickly (a topic for TR18: how you can do this at your station).
You’ve hopefully seen the email update that went to the general station list yesterday. This was aimed at station managers and committees, to give them a heads-up and lay the case for travel support. But if that doesn’t happen, we’ve held registration down at last year’s level, even though our cost base has doubled. That’s the fun of running an event, and we’re seriously grateful to the CBF for the underpinning grant that makes all this possible. Show us any other open event wher you could get three days of events plus a night of hotel for under $300 including all food. Dare you.
Finally, if your membership is coming up for renewal, and you’re one of the people who took advantage of last-year’s $0 introductory offer, don’t panic. You CAN afford the $10 it will cost you to renew, and we’ll tell you how to do that shortly. Don’t forget, we know who you are.
Please drop us a line if you have questions, or contact me directly if you’re not happy about something. We’re here to make your experience a good one.
All the best,
John Maizels
Technorama Incorporated