Emergencies are something you don’t have until something happens that you didn’t expect and probably didn’t plan for.
When times of trouble hit, it’s the technologists who frequently take the lead. That’s because we’re driven to think about risk and manage it.
“Disaster recovery” and “business continuity” are two terms that should be etched very deeply into a station’s consciousness but frequently aren’t. If an emergency occurs at your station, could you keep operating? Does your team know what do to? Have you marshalled all the technical resources that you would need?
This webinar covers a range of topics that goes beyond the unexpected.
Register right now via the CMTO homepage and join Brad Geier and Mike Tobin as they help you understand some of the things that you can do to ensure that you weather the emergency and come out smiling.
This coming Tuesday 28 January at 1830 AEDT.
That’s 1730 in QLD, 1800 in SA and NT and 1530 in Perth.