We’ve been getting great feedback about TR16, and thanks for the honest comments. The photo repository will be updated soon once we’ve done the uploads – there were lots of good shots.
Most people remember the food – it’s not often that a conference gets such positive comments about variety and quantity of the meals. And we hear you: next year we’ll go easier on the donuts and heavier on the fruit.
Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make it a success, and special thanks to Alan Sweeney and his team at MediaHub for making the opening night extra-special. That was an event that might be impossible to top.
Many good suggestions came out of the plenaries, and we’re going to mull over everything we heard as we move into the planning for TR17.
Meanwhile, you can help us by doing some things:
- go to the Technorama Inc resources page and fill in the survey
- while you’re there, apply for membership using the form on the back of the constitution. And while you’re there, browse the constitution. Tell us if you think we’re on the right track
Ideas we’re definitely pursuing:
- The buy/swap/sell service, and we’ve already had one offer of bulk items that is very compelling
- Wiki for white papers and other how-tos
- Forum for tips and questions
New 160728: If you have experience with using or installing (even better!) specific software for these applications, please contact us ASAP. We would like to have some tools running by mid-August.
- Seminars/webinars, and inter-TR events. We have started discussions with training organisations who might be able to help.
And what will make this happen faster: volunteer to assist with one or more of those activities. I’m sure there’s any number of webmaster/postmaster/contributor/writer/documenter types in our midst. Don’t wait for the committee to do everything, because we can’t. Drop us a line at info@technorama.org.au
Web updating:
Shortly, we’ll archive everything that happened at TR16, but meanwhile stay in touch. I’d love to hear from you. Drop the team a line via info@, or me directly through john@.