TR19 starts this Friday night – if you haven’t registered, then rest assured: still room and food (one of the reasons we like the venue), and we’re excited about what we’re doing. We can take late registrations onsite if you don’t mind wearing a handwritten badge. We don’t mind – we’d rather have you here.
Register at the cheapest rate that applies
We don’t want you to pay more than you have to. It’s much better for you to be there than paying lots. If you’re regularly involved in any way at a station, then claim the volunteer rate. If you’re not yet a member of Technorama, then join: the TR19 registration rate drops by more than the membership fee (funny, that!).
Where’s the program detail?
The Program Grid is here, and also under the TR19 button on the menu bar.
The Technorama philosophy
What’s on the program, and why did we choose those items? There are four things you need to get from any conference:
- learn stuff from speakers and delegates
- meet new people, and build your support network
- share your experiences with other delegates and sector influencers
- talk to vendors and professionals about current and future product directions
Our programming is the why-attend.
When you participate in a Technorama we want you to return home as the better-informed person who is immediately more valuable to your station. We want you to shine from the experience of attending. We want you to agree that the Sector’s lowest cost event is also the best.
That’s why Technorama programming extends much further than the latest widgets and wiring. We raise the debates that help you explore the landscape of Community Broadcasting.
But there’s plenty of down-and-dirty stuff too.
TR19 is being packed full of information and sessions of strategic value, with tech and policy information that can be applied immediately.
In store for TR19
- What you and your Board need to know about changes in policy, and how do those policies affect grants, services, the law, training, and national support?
- Game-changer 2019: The Enhanced National News Project and how to make it work for your station
- The new CMTO Tech Training classes: how your station can take best advantage
- DDN: What’s behind the new network hardware deliveries, and what happens next?
- Our Special Guest of Honour Richard Fleming shares a lifetime of experience in studio design, software development, station rebuilding, and being a mentor
- The perfect grant application
- Training and mentoring: how do you be the Tech Top Gun
- Build your station’s newsroom: what does it take to make the news instead of being it?
Saturday evening: our annual Gala Dinner, Quiz Night and Technorama Awards presentation.
And we announce the winners of the Earlybird and attendee door prizes.
- Vote your own session: Sunday morning hi-tech programming with a difference. We break into sessions that we know you will value because you selected and voted for them.
- The big technology Q&A
- How to manage upwards: beyond your technology skills be the person your Board can’t and won’t do without
We’re particularly excited by the Sunday morning “vote your own session” concept. In the great tradition of the unconference (yes, it’s really a thing) you and fellow delegates get to propose topics and items on Saturday… and Sunday will happen. We will break into groups in separate areas to cover the topics that you consider to be immediately beneficial to you and your station.
So start thinking: if you had control of the agenda, what would you put on it?
But wait – there’s more
TR19 doesn’t come with steak knives, but we do have a few more reasons why you should attend.
Our partners: we’ll have a selection of industry vendors and experts on hand to show a few techy things, advise you about projects, and hint about opportunities.
Buy/Swap/Sell: watch for the announcement. We’re going to provide some space for you to actively exchange some gear for something else (like money, or a different widget).
Technorama sales: we have some items that you might want. Low power FM exciters, Orban signal processors, CD players, and more. See what’s on our table and do a deal.
So… isn’t it time you registered? (click through and do it now)!
And don’t forget: registration is way cheaper if you’re a member of Technorama.