This year’s theme is “Building Your Next Facility”.  You might be updating a studio, considering an OB kit, about to gut and rebuild old spaces, or be contemplating a move to somewhere new.  TR23 is where you’ll get real answers to real questions.

With so much tech upheaval during the post-COVID era, and so many processes changed as a result (both operationally and from a thought-bubble point of view), this is a good time to go back to square one and ask “what do we do now”?

When and where?

TR23 runs from 0900 Saturday morning 2 December until Sunday 1300 on 3 December (with an AGM, a dinner and a bit of sleep in between).  The program for TR23 program has been crafted to bring you a story arc that will position you with best ability to react to change, expose what decisions you might make about new and old technology, and help you identify what you need to get right as you build or rebuild.  And the event is being run conveniently at The Chatswood Club (where we ran TR22 Road), just four minutes walk from Chatswood Railway and bus interchange.

Hear from the people who know

Our TR23 Special Guest of Honour, Patrick Sproule, is Head of Content Technology Solutions for the ABC.  As the ABC’s senior technology executive, Pat is right now leading a greenfields build of radio and TV studios for the ABC at Parramatta, so he’s very on-topic.  He’s also very down-to-earth and has personally built studios and a TV OB truck.

You’ll get to hear first hand what’s happening at the big end of town, and then you can contrast that with information from the the Sector – for instance, 2SWR recently opened a new facility in Sydney, and 96.5 in Brisbane is just starting a significant relocation only a short while after rebuilding an existing studio in a weekend.

What’s on the grid?

Details on program flow and the schedule for TR23 can be found here.

What topics will be covered in these TR23 sessions?

We’re hot on the trail of what’s important.  As an attendee at TR23, the sessions will cover:

  • Where do you start with a new build:  gathering requirements, planning the facility, and what program forms do you need to support (traditional, podcast and video!)
  • Finding funding
  • Designing the studio, with walls, access, sound treatment, aircon, cabling, lighting and futureproofing in mind
  • Choosing the equipment: analogue vs digital
  • Documentation – before, during and after
  • Tips and musts for the actual build, including doing the cabling, studio physicals
  • Integration with socials, especially with video
  • Technology directions in studios, transmitters, consoles and signal distribution
  • Stuff you haven’t thought of (because there’s ALWAYS a heap of that)
  • Networks, storage, infrastructure and cloud
  • Power management
  • Broadcast automation
  • and… the million dollar question:  after you’ve built, how do you support?

Who is going to be presenting the tech stuff?

Experts, that’s who.  And practitioners who can show battle scars.  It wouldn’t be Technorama if we didn’t have a room full of people who can answer real questions from real experience.

Who else will be at TR23?

Our sector partners are an important part of any Technorama event, giving you the opportunity to hear directly about policy and funding changes that affect you and your station:

  • CBAA and CBF will be on-hand to discuss Roadmap 2033, what it means right now, and update you on funding opportunities for your station
  • CMTO is working on the new Certificate IV Broadcast Technology course, and Technorama has partnered with CMTO to deliver evidence-based assessments directly into the new qualification.

Fancy checking out new toys?

We’ll have a bit of a show-and-tell with selected supplier partners, who will be available to show you a practical thing or two between sessions and at breaks.  Again, you won’t be disappointed.

What would you expect this to cost?

Your $130 full registration for TR23 (member rate; just slightly more for non-members and industry) includes all the above, admission to two functions, plus lunch  on Saturday and coffee breaks.  The actual price to you is automatically generated on the registration form, but we can promise you that there isn’t a lower-priced or more cost-effective event of this class anywhere on the Sector calendar.  This is truly exceptional value for your station.

Register now!

The best place to start for registration is the link at the top of the Technorama home page.  That’s because there’s also a reminder to first become a member if you haven’t already joined us – you’ll save way more than your membership.

Don’t forget Education Day

On Friday 1 December we have a special treat for people who are quick:  hands-on Raspberry Pi training.

Yes, this is a Pi. A Pi400 to be precise, and you get to play with one at Training Day.

We have Pi projects that do station and studio switching;  generate a wall clock with status display;  create an OB or Studio/Transmitter link;  run your station automation, and be your station’s desktop of choice.

All this and more just $50 for the day.  Sign up is simple:  Education Day is an option on your TR registration.   A few places still left, but be quick.  If you’ve already registered for TR23 but forgot Education Day, drop us a line to and we’ll help you sort it out.

We’re not giving away hardware this time (it’s a bit expensive) but every attendee will be allocated an individual Pi400 to use for the day so that you get maximum benefit from the experience.  You’ll be able to take away code and lots of pointers to documentation that will help you on your future quest.